Tuesday, March 18, 2008

spring is in the air

And young men's thought turn to...

Yeah, springtime in Buffalo. It's a calendar thing, not a reality thing. Spring here is a bit of a tease. We'll get a good day here and again, maybe reach into the 40's but it's pretty much a couple weeks more of winter. We still have dirty piles of snow everywhere, the streets are fine and all, but there is still plenty of snow all over.

But you really can't tell if you're out in the world.

Everyone is getting a bit antsy. You'll see people out in shorts when it's 45. Because everyone WANTS it to be spring so bad. I saw one of my neighbors shoveling in a pair of shorts this weekend. Yes, it was 48, but I wouldn't let my bald head out there without a hat, let alone my legs.

Spring just makes people goofy. Maybe it's one of those hormonal things, I don't know. But I feel it. Just a vague sense of anticipation (?), mixed with a bit of perked libido, and a taste for grilled food. Does that make sense? I get a bit weird around September too, I think that's a hold over from going to school. And when you're a parent, you deal with the whole 'back to school' thing for a good chunk of your adult life. There is that sense of change like something new is coming.

so happy vernalequinoxanticipitorysexburger to all of you out there!

1 comment:

Blonde Goddess said...

Spring fever....Mr.Man gets it too. As for me...I'm always wanting burnt meat and have an active libido.
Perhaps I'm a caveman?