Monday, July 28, 2008

ok, let's do that again

1st day back from vacation. Man, I needed some vacation.

It occurred to me that it had been nearly 52 weeks since we had a week off. I was feeling a bit ragged going into vacation, so I guess that explains it. I tend to compartmentalize my work life from my home life, and lately the work life seemed to be my only life.

Vacation helped. We did a lot around the house. Totally re-painted my living room. When we bought our house 5 years ago, we painted the entire 2nd floor where the bedrooms are. Last year we completed the hall and stairs to the second floor and did the dining room. The walls in the entire downstairs were all white. Now, white is ok, but we sure didn't like it. We continued the color scheme from the hall all around the living room. HUGE difference. It doesn't even look the same. We were able for the first time to set up our new Danish Modern living room stuff in the newly painted room. I'll try to post some pics, I've got to hang some pictures and a couple minor things, but it's done!!!!

We did manage to knock off every day by 2 or so in the afternoon, so there was plenty of play time as well. And play we did.

This working for a living thing really cuts into your free time!


1 comment:

Evil Twin's Wife said...

We really need to paint our bedroom and hallway. Maybe the Evil Twin can take some time off in the fall. Glad you got lots o' stuff finished up! It's a great feeling.