Tuesday, February 26, 2008

whoa, what a month

February has kinda sucked, my poor wife has had one bug after another and last week, well, I guess was my turn.

Thankfully, I didn't get the stomach virus thing, Patti had that a couple weekends ago, only to come down with the head cold/cough version a week later. I think her resistance was low and that's why she got the second one. So every weekend has been spent nursing either Patti or myself back to health.

I got the cold bug last week. I felt kinda funny on Monday (not in a good way) and I actually came into work on Tuesday. By 10 or so I was getting chills and generally feeling shittier. I went home and was on my ass for two straight days.

Brutal, brutal stuff. I had been fighting off a cold for a while, but this was one of those things that just knock the stuffing right out of you. There was about a 24 hour period where Patti was on one couch, I was on the other. No tv, no talking, just laying there under blankets. Totally sucked. I missed several days at work, and Patti still isn't herself. (She's always a bit slower to recover, she's a tough lady but has kinda a weak constitution, once she gets sick, it's tougher for her to shake)

So, that sucks.

Did you catch the Oscars? I tried to watch, I really did. But the broadcast is really such shit. I ended up watching for a couple minutes and then went back to channel surfing. The award shows have really always sucked. I hate the production numbers I hate the forced 'comedy' at the podium.

But the Cohen's break through. I actually saw 'No Country', 'There Will Be Blood' and 'Michael Clayton' and the awards went pretty much where I thought. If you've not seen these movies ALL are worth it. And that's a rare thing these days. Hopefully, PT Anderson has cemented his place in Hollywood - that guy is a freakin' genius...

Take care kids!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Another Valentine's Day, another chance for guys across America to completely screw the pooch!

My wife and I don't really pay much attention to V day. It's just another day for us, although I did say 'Happy Valentine's Day', we won't be making much of a fuss. Patti isn't really fussy about these kinds of things, we both think this is just another Hallmark holiday. We talked about it on the way to work and she basically said if I didn't really feel loved, a box of chocolates or flowers wouldn't make the difference anyway. And she really means it, she does NOT expect anything.

For most guys I think there is quite a bit of trepidation about this sort of thing (anniversaries included). It's a bit of a mine field for most guys, even if there wifes/girlfriends say it's no big deal. I think most women DO expect something here, and guys, being guys, will read into their 'indifference' and end up sleeping on the couch. (oh, and please ladies, don't tell us it's no big deal if you're going to get disappointed later - that's not fair - we're guys, we're gonna understand you for what you SAY not what you MEAN!)

Everyone wants a little fussing now and again, but that's what the other 364 days are for. Most men I know are blowing it. I've always believed in the 'us' that is our marriage and I've never had any trouble investing in it. And that's the rub. A lot of people disappointed in their relationships are suffering from the lack of investment in it. And it's foolishness. If you didn't water and care for a house plant it would die, everyone knows that. Why is it so difficult (especially for my gender) to see that a little care and selflessness would bring huge returns. Disappointed with your sex life? Look outside the bedroom, cuz if it's not working there, it ain't gonna work in there! (oh, and guys - the opposite is totally true - for a lot of guys I know, that'd be enough incentive)

I'm blessed to be in an unbelievable marriage, beyond any expectations of anything I could have worked out in my practical little brain. And it's not because I do this or Patti does that. It's because we work at preserving the 'us'. The 'us' is more important than either of our individual needs. She's got my back, I've got hers - pretty nice way to face this crazy world.

And our investment in that has brought me more personal satisfaction and happiness than anything I could have done for myself. And it's served us very well over the last 25 years...

So, Happy Valentine's Day - I hope your investments bring huge returns!!!!
(huh - he said huge - huh, huh)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Holy Crap it's cold!

It's 6 degrees here. 6!!! Man, it is ridiculously cold. My sidewalks are like mini ice rinks.

The sidewalks were kinda slushy a couple days ago, now they are like giant footprint galleries. I put some salt down on them yesterday, didn't even make a dent.

I think it might be too cold for it to work.

Patti had that flu bug that was going around. What a helpless feeling. She was soooo sick. I felt terrible for her. It lasted nearly 3 days. Awful stomach flu thing. She was as weak as a kitten by Sunday and we didn't do anything.

Our weekend consisted of me making the blandest foods possible for Patti to throw up later. It was brutal. She's finally keeping food down and really just needs to get her strength back.

So beware, my friends, it's going around and you DO NOT WANT it!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Geez, Hillary.

I know you're not supposed to talk religion and politics, but geez Hillary. I live in New York, she's MY senator. Well, not exactly. She seized the open senate seat here, where if you are a serial killer pedophile - but registered Democrat - you have a shot.

One of the things about New York state is that it is all about NYC. The state goes as the city goes. And I'm upstate. Waaaaay upstate - 400 miles away from the big city. We got visited by Hillary a bunch of times, she'd swoop in for a photo op, promise a bunch of stuff to 'revitalize' the area, then got back on the plane.

And people ate it up with a spoon! But you know what? No new jobs, nothing has changed. And maybe that's the crux of it. They are ALL full of shit!!! And I participate in the primaries, I vote, I read the position papers on different candidates, and really, it's the same old, same old.

It's kinda hard not to feel just a bit foolish by the end of it all. And I'm a prime example of the type of person that if the right noises were made in my direction by a candidate, I would probably believe them. Because I desperately WANT to believe in them.

I'm a dreamer, I'm an idealist. I believe that people, given the chance will choose the good and righteous thing to do. And really, that isn't even my experience. People are selfish and self-serving, pretty much most of the time. More so in the political arena. Patti thinks that's really funny - that I consistently will try to believe, try to trust - when life has shown me otherwise.

But I can't help it. I HAVE to believe in the goodness in people - and believe me I often disappointed.

Maybe it's just me, but Hillary just impresses me as the most disingenuous politician I can think of. And it's a gut thing. I hear her and I instantly think she's full of crap. (as opposed to believing in a candidate only to find out after they are elected that they're full of crap). I can't believe she's even in the race for the Democratic nomination. I don't know why I react that way to her, but I do. Most politicians evoke a vague sense of distrust in me, with Hillary my BS meter gets pegged instantly.

Maybe at the root of it is my combination of cynicism and hopefullness, and I hold them both dearly. Obviously, a contradiction, but not all that crazy really. I believe in 'look before you leap' and 'he who hesitates is lost' in equal measures.

Ok, maybe it is crazy.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Another birthday comes and goes

We've never been big birthday celebrators and that's really ok with me.

My wife's bosses family goes completely nuts. Banners, parties the whole nine. We just kinda let them slide by.

When the kids were small we used to do family parties, replete with cake and ice cream etc. And when they were a bit bigger we even did the ChuckECheese parties and bowling parties.

But Patti and I never fussed much for each other. The most we do is 'Well, it's your birthday, what do you want to do with the day?'.

My birthday (my 48th) was Super Bowl sunday. We went out for breakfast (which was the only thing I really wanted to do) and pretty much stayed in for the rest of the day. I puttered around the house, worked on a couple of pedals (for guitar effects - hobby/biz) and basically just effed off.

And I'm totally ok with that. I really don't like all the attention. The older I get the more I want to stay under the radar. If I had my way I'd never leave the house. In a perfect world, Patti and I would just be home with each other. The kids can come visit (and the grandkids!), but really that's all we want to do. And we're both that way. We go to work, and then race home just to BE with each other.

We spent quite a bit of sunday in the same house, but doing other stuff. Patti is a voracious reader, and she pounded through one book and started another. Just the being together is the thing.

The only thing that occurred to me this year is that 48 sounds a lot closer to 50! And I guess that doesn't really bother me, although it does feel a bit like approaching a milestone. Patti turns 50 this year, she's completely unfazed by it. I really think that our level of contentment with our lives and each other makes the whole getting older thing irrelevant.

If we were both working to achieve some higher goal or some level of happiness, I think maybe the time would feel like 'another year gone and no progress'. I don't want to dump my wife for a newer younger model, I don't want a sports car - I just want to BE - just like we are.

And I don't feel 48 (whatever that means), but I think 48 IS kinda old. And I don't feel all that old! (Maybe everyone feels that way) I'm still young inside my head, ya know? So, maybe sometime soon, I'll travel to WV and drive aimlessly around on Tuesdays for Tammie. I can even be surly and wear a little hat on the back of my head while I peer over the steering wheel!

So that's the big question of getting older - when do you qualify as a participant in elderly hell day?