Tuesday, February 26, 2008

whoa, what a month

February has kinda sucked, my poor wife has had one bug after another and last week, well, I guess was my turn.

Thankfully, I didn't get the stomach virus thing, Patti had that a couple weekends ago, only to come down with the head cold/cough version a week later. I think her resistance was low and that's why she got the second one. So every weekend has been spent nursing either Patti or myself back to health.

I got the cold bug last week. I felt kinda funny on Monday (not in a good way) and I actually came into work on Tuesday. By 10 or so I was getting chills and generally feeling shittier. I went home and was on my ass for two straight days.

Brutal, brutal stuff. I had been fighting off a cold for a while, but this was one of those things that just knock the stuffing right out of you. There was about a 24 hour period where Patti was on one couch, I was on the other. No tv, no talking, just laying there under blankets. Totally sucked. I missed several days at work, and Patti still isn't herself. (She's always a bit slower to recover, she's a tough lady but has kinda a weak constitution, once she gets sick, it's tougher for her to shake)

So, that sucks.

Did you catch the Oscars? I tried to watch, I really did. But the broadcast is really such shit. I ended up watching for a couple minutes and then went back to channel surfing. The award shows have really always sucked. I hate the production numbers I hate the forced 'comedy' at the podium.

But the Cohen's break through. I actually saw 'No Country', 'There Will Be Blood' and 'Michael Clayton' and the awards went pretty much where I thought. If you've not seen these movies ALL are worth it. And that's a rare thing these days. Hopefully, PT Anderson has cemented his place in Hollywood - that guy is a freakin' genius...

Take care kids!

1 comment:

Blonde Goddess said...

I don't watch much tv so I missed that....
Hope you're feeling better and your poor wife doesn't get sick again this winter.