Thursday, June 12, 2008

23 and counting

Patti and I have a couple of anniversaries. Patti can't remember them, she seems impaired somehow, strange trait in a woman. I often have to remind her that it's coming up and she never knows how many years. We have the living together anniversary, the sleeping together anniversary and the honest to God wedding anniversary.

That was yesterday, our actual wedding anniversary.

23 years married. More than my parents or grandparents managed, more than Patti's parents managed.

Pretty laid back as anniversary celebrations went.

We met the kids and toured that house on our street that was for sale. It's pretty hammered. Especially the downstairs apartment. And there is something very bad happening with the foundation. Someone is coming to check that out and get an estimate on it today.

We went back to our house, got some take out, watched 'Pretty in Pink' the everything Duckie edition (our next 'P' movie), and had some private anniversary fun.

We never were much on the celebrating thing. I remember, I think it was our 10th, we were going to get all dressed up and go 'out'. Maybe to a restaurant and drinks afterward. When it got to the big day, we bagged the whole thing, hit some fast food and chased each other around the house for a few hours.

And so it goes.

I'm not complaining at all. We'd much rather be home, and the rest seems like a lot of fuss! Works for us, ya know?

And I wouldn't change a thing, I can't imagine my life without Patti in it, and I know I'm a better man for being with her!

I don't know everything, but I know what a gift she's been to me.

I am one lucky man.


Evil Twin's Wife said...

You are lucky to have each other! Happy Anniversary! I have the sleeping together and marriage anniversaries locked in my brain. Couldn't tell you when we moved in together. Sometime in June of '92. Maybe I could just say it's today! LOL.

Michael said...

Thanks ETW,
Yeah, the old joke is the guy always misses the anniversaries. No problem here. One year, we both missed the wedding anniversary. Someone asked us how long we'd been married and then it hit us!
Today it is! Celebrate!

Blonde Goddess said...

That's one of the things I always love about your posts...the way you talk about your wife. You can tell that you're so devoted to her and you're always so respectful and adoring.

She is one lucky woman...