Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

Father's day started pretty early for me on Sunday.

We were watching grandson #3, and everything was going swimmingly. We had an excellent day with the boy and got him to bed without incident.

Then, things got weird.

About 12:30 am or so, he fell out of his bed. He's two years old and a couple of months and we have this toddler bed that fits him just fine. It's only a foot and a half off of the floor. Well, when he fell he landed right on his face. He cut his face just under his lip. At first, I thought he had driven his teeth right through, but he just tore up the inside of his lip pretty good and I was able to get the bleeding to stop. Poor kid looks like Jake Lamotta now though. Ok, Jake Lamotta with Pamela Anderson's lips!

He took a bit to settle down, and we were feeling like awful grandparents. Anyhow, we're just getting back to sleep and there was a crash of glass breaking.

It was hard to figure if it was inside or outside of the house. I ran downstairs and went out to the porch where I saw a car had jumped the curb, plowed a chunk of my lawn up and took out a sign. He was in the process of backing back onto the street, which he managed, but when he tried to leave, his front bumper was dragging under the car. So he did what we all of us would have done, he got out of the car, ripped the bumper from the car and threw it on my lawn and drove away.

This was about 1:30 am. So I went outside and checked things out. He'd left his grille, some headlights, lots of busted stuff and the bumper.

So I called 911 and let them know what had just happened. They asked if I had a description of the guy and I did, but really it wasn't much to go on. Then they asked if I got the license plate. Well, I did. It was still attached to the front bumper!!! The dispatcher said 'that'll make it easy to find him' and laughed. What a dumbass...

They told me to just wait and they'd send a cruiser over. About 1 1/2 hours later two female officers arrived and we did the report and they told me I could clean everything up.

So I cleaned up all the car parts, grass and dirt from my front lawn. I got to bed about 4 am.

I did manage a nap after my son in law picked up the boy, but I never really felt all that together for the rest of the day. The kids stopped by and wished me a Happy Father's day and Patti and I had a nice evening together.

Certainly, not your average Father's day!


Blonde Goddess said...

Wow...what a crazy night!
I bet that guy was drunk and you're lucky he didn't drive into your house. That would have been horrible.

Hope the baby is ok. Miss KIA fell out of bed once, on her head and I was terrified she'd given herself a concussion.
She ended up being ok, but it's just so frightening when you're dealing with little ones like that.

Michael said...

Yeah, the city actually removed a tree in the spring that he would have slammed into, so the mess is better than having to deal with all that. He had a ways to go before hitting the house proper, and two more trees to dodge!
My grandson called yesterday to tell me 'his lip not hurt', so that's good. He looks bad, but he's ok, he's one tough kid.
I'm really calm when the kids get hurt, always have been. Patti, on the other hand, nearly puked/passed out from the blood and 'the thought of his teeth going through his lip'. She freaked, and then nearly blacked out.
We both felt terrible that he got hurt on our watch, but that's the way of it sometimes...

Evil Twin's Wife said...

Poor little grandson. My daughter took a spill off the bed when she was only 7 months old and still attached to her bouncy seat. I felt like a horrible mom (you're not supposed to put the seats on a surface that's not firm... Oooops).

Wild night you all had. I hope you got some rest eventually.