Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Keeping it all together

Whenever I watch my grown kids struggle, it makes me think about when I was in my young 20's and first out in the world. I remember how hard it was. Just to have things that I was already accustomed to, like cable, phone, a car, car ins. etc.

It got Patti and I to talking. Patti thinks it has become much harder to set up house, much more difficult than when we were young. It just may be. We had a hard time when we were young. No money, just keeping our heads above water. Which is where I'd put my kids about now. They are doing it, but it's not easy. But I don't know if it is more difficult.

I have attained the American dream of owning my own home, I've started my own business. I'm able to help my kids a bit. I think I've attained at least what my father did. And from what I've read recently, my generation might be the last to do this.

I do know how hard Patti and I worked. We did without a lot of things many around us acquired. And I think that might be part of the problem. So much of what my kids want is viewed as necessary, not optional. And they will step beyond good sense to reach what they think is their due. Internet access, cell phone/blackberry with unlimited texting, DVR's, Abercrombie hoodies, $150.00 jeans, full-on gaming system with wii!.

Makes me wonder if it's truly harder or that we've set our reach beyond our grasp. Subtle change, but what we found to be essential isn't the same as the next generation. And perhaps, we've set ourselves up to want what we do not need and cannot reasonably afford. How can we not end up either disappointed or unsatisfied?


1 comment:

Blonde Goddess said...

I agree with you that kids do feel that certain things are necessities when we would have viewed them as luxuries.
There is no doubt in my mind that we have created a society of monsters, who are used to getting more than we were used to, for less work and less responsibility.
I worry all the time if I am being too lenient with my children and not teaching them enough about work ethic and responsibility.

I just want a better life for them than I had...I hope my desire for that isn't going to make things more difficult for them in the long run.