Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Spring Cleaning starting early

Well, another one bites the dust.

My son (#2) is getting married in June to a delightful girl. She's a peach and will be a great asset to him. They are perfect for each other, they both have similar interests and they compliment each other very well.

Well my future daughter-in-law and my son have got themselves an apartment. This, of course, will be the young marrieds new residence.

So last week my son cleared out his room and most of his stuff. So over the weekend I re-painted his old room, which will become the 'guest bedroom'. Last night Patti and I moved all the furniture into the new room. It really turned out nice. It looks very welcoming, and if we had better dressers, it would almost look like a bed and breakfast room.

Now the fun part. Moving the 'office' which here to for has been in a corner of the living room, up to the newly vacated room! Which is pretty exciting (I know, I've got to get out more!) It will be really nice to have the office on the second floor, and re-claim the living room.

So tonight I've got to saddle up (and limber up) for the great furniture re-arranging.

So another leaves the nest and we've effectively re-claimed the area for ourselves. I don't think I'm supposed to be happy about the empty-nest thing, but Patti and I have always had kids around. We never were just us!

So now, with the only kid in graduate school, away from home, we're effectively alone for the first time in 25 years!!! Kinda neat!!


Scott said...

Congrats! We often fantasize about that day arriving, but by then we may be old and senile. Either way I'll be in a happy place. Truth be told, when that day does arrive there will probably be mixed emotions.

Michael said...

Hey Scott,
Neither my wife or I suffer from the 'empty nest' thing. I'm not sure what that says about us!
We raised our kids to grow up and leave us, so we miss them, and it does kinda mark the end of an era, but it's nice to think about it just being my wife and I!

Blonde Goddess said...

Can you say, "Running through the house naked in rubber boots?"

Umm...well maybe your idea of being alone without your kids and my idea of being alone without mine are different...lol