Thursday, January 31, 2008

an unencombered day off

Hey kids, tomorrow is a rarity. A day off!!! With no icky bits!!! Usually my days off are filled with meeting the cable guy, or the furnace guy, or the tree guy or whatever...

My wife has to work, so I will have a whole day to putter around the house. This NEVER happens. I decided to take the day kinda like a mental health day. I have so many projects I could work on, but I just don't know what to do! So many choices, only one day.

We're supposed to get 6 - 12 inches of snow tomorrow, or not, maybe rain, maybe freezing rain. (I swear they just make this shit up) I will totally refuse to shovel during my day off!!!! It'll have to wait until after work hours!!!!

I'm giddy with the possibilities. I'm definately moving our computer to our newly reclaimed office. And probably cleaning the 3rd floor office/lab.

I make effects pedals for guitars in my secret lab on the third floor and its a freakin' disaster up there. If I could pick, I'd spend the whole day up in the lab! I've got to re-house a pedal (put it in a new enclosure) and I'd like to start work on a few new ones, at least make the circuit boards and drill them.

But hey, I'm NOT WORKING!!! And that my friends is enough for me!!!


Blonde Goddess said...

Free days are da bomb! I hope yours is great!!!

Michael said...

Yeah, the 'free' part is the best part!!!
