Friday, November 16, 2007

Fricken' meetings

I have about 5 hours worth of meetings in my schedule today.

And its not like I don't see the periodic need for these things. But mostly, I feel like I'm being held hostage by a terrorist group bent on boring us all to death. I mean, I'm numb from these things.

My current employer LOVES meetings. I think it give the owners the illusion of control and providing direction.

My last employer never had meetings. Everyone knew what they were tasked with doing and we did it. When I first got here I thought, geez this is cool, everyone is working together for the same goals. But at the end of the day, its just cheerleading. And I'm sure as any pro athelete will tell you, without those cheerleaders, they'd never take the field.

I'm a system type person. I like when things are working in a well oiled fashion, every part doing its job to get a job done. What it comes down to for me is understanding what exactly is your job, and doing it. Each person. So I guess I could get behind a meeting that was STFU and GBTW. We're all just trading hours of our lives for that paycheck. And I'm really ok with that.

Basically, throughout these next 5 hours, I'll be sitting around trying to figure out how I'm going to take care of customer issues on a compressed schedule for the rest of the day. And if I actually came away with something that would help me in my work, I think I might enjoy a good meeting.

But sadly, this is not the case. So I'll look forward to my last meeting of the day, where I pick up my wife, go home and chase her around the house.

Now THAT'S a meeting.


Blonde Goddess said...

Is there whipped cream involved in this "chasing"?

That's always one of the most enjoyable parts of it..heh heh...

Michael said...

It doesn't figure into the chasing nearly as much as the 'catching'!