Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Yeah, I guess that's how you could look at it

We must have 300 dvd's. We LOVE movies.

So last year we decided to go through our collection alphabetically.

Now on the surface, this is incredibly anal. But I have to admit it's been great fun. We've taken all the 'what do you feel like watching?' conversation away. We watch what is next.

We have a lot of different styles of movies. My wife gravitates toward what I call Twisted Human Wreckage movies (THW). Like 'Who's afraid of Virginia Wolf', anything by Tennessee Williams, the more fucked up their lives and interpersonal relationships - the better. I, however, have enough reality in my reality, if you know what I mean. I can enjoy some of the tougher stuff, but she actually prefers it. So when we would have that 'What do you feel like watching' conversation I would never pick the THW movies. I remember once on my birthday we watched 'Shadowlands'. Have you seen this thing? It's about C.S. Lewis (the great Christian apologist - The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe) and his terminally ill wife. I didn't know all that before watching it. I mean, it was a good movie, but holy shit what a tearjerker. Happy fricken' Birthday (sob!).

On the subject of tearjerkers:

So I'm surfing channels, looking at the guide and my wife's in the other room so I shout out to her...

Me: Hey baby, 'The Yearling', that's one of those tearjerkers right?
My Wife: 'It is if you want the animal to live'

True story.


Blonde Goddess said...

I think I love your wife! She sounds too awesome for words!!!

Michael said...

yeah, she's the best.