Monday, November 5, 2007

I hate that

Have you ever been waiting in line at the bank or the grocery store and there is an annoying guy sighing and bobbing his head back and forth 'trying to see what the hold up' is? Yeah, well that's me. I'm not an asshole, but I can BE one.

Really, it's because I have no luck. Some people are lucky people. Daughter #2 is lucky, she's always winning stuff from radio station call-ins, door prizes at events, chinese auctions. But my wife and I, nothing.

We have Tim Horton's coffee up here. (A coffee/donut shop like Dunkin - only 10 times better!) You can't swing a cat without hitting another Timmy ho's franchise. And they are fan-freakin'-tastic. It's getting so I can't drive by one. (Coffee is my preferred caffene delivery system.) Anyway, once or twice a year they have a 'Rollup the rim to win' thing where you roll up the edge of the paper cup and there are prizes like a new tv or car and bazillions of free coffee. Nothing. Ever. (Not sure how I feel about returning a soggy coffee cup for a donut anyhow- the car or tv - yeah I'll do that)

So whenever I choose a line, even if it has the fewest number of people and/or people with fewer items, as soon as I join the line, it's over. Out of state check, really old lady with one of those squeezable coin things looking for exact change, bad credit or debit card, 15 items isn't a rule, just a guideline, etc...

So I'm off, shifting my weight from leg to leg, sighing and bobbing. And I hate that. I hate being that guy. My wife is convinced that this happens to me because I react so badly, like an object lesson gone wrong, time after time. Which, now that I think about it, makes me stupid AND and asshole.
You've been warned. If I'm in line ahead of you, just get in the next one, because bad checkout Karma is not a pretty sight.


Blonde Goddess said...

My husband always makes the cash registers crash. It's a very weird phenomenon but I've witnessed it on many occasions.

I'm just a weirdo magnet...seriously.

Michael said...

The thing that gets me is my reaction. Shit happens, stuff breaks, people look for change. I just have no patience in a queue.