Friday, November 30, 2007

Now that was pretty cool

My son is in graduate school at the University of Buffalo and is majoring in Choral conducting.

I really don't know jack about what the conductor actually does, I've been to the philharmonic and seen all the waving and gesturing, but I really don't know much about what makes a good conductor a good conductor. I feel the same way about most rap music, I mean, how do you tell when it's done well?

My musical taste definitely trends toward lo-fi. I LOVE the Clash, Tom Waits, and enjoy some of the newer bands like the White Stripes and the Fratellis. I just don't get Jazz, seems like 'hey mom, check this out' - music for musicians, I think. (I'm not trying to alienate Jazz-heads, I play guitar and I'm aware of the amazing musical and technical skill, it doesn't speak to me though)

Anyhow, my son conducted the UB Chorus last night in a concert. It was his first real conducting performance. He does intern at a Lutheran church near our house and conducts that choir, but it's a small congregation, more like performing for a small group of family. He did two pieces by Brahms and they sounded really great. The whole concert was a pleasant surprise. Like most parents, I've been to dozens of performances (or games if they're sporty). My one daughter sang opera, and I just don't get that either, but I've been to a bunch of her performances too. Needless to say, I've seen some brutal plays and musicals...

But he's 23 now, and the Chorus was at least semi-pro, and it was truly beautiful. My wife sang choir for many years (made the all-state chorus when she was in high-school) so she actually knows the technical aspects of it.

But for me, it was all about my son. Standing in his suit, with his tragically inherited bald head, waving his arms in great swoops and gestures.

And from where I sat, that was pretty cool.


Rebecca said...

I also sang in the choir. I also love opera and orchestras. Your kids rock

Michael said...

yeah, they do!

I like orchestras, the choir was nice, opera and musicals - not so much. I just can't get over the spontaneously breaking into song thing and hate production numbers with groups of singers and dancers. It just doesn't work for me... but 3 of my 5 kids all were in music stuff during high school - lots of tortuous musicals!