Friday, December 28, 2007

Biggest, Dumbest Holiday on the Planet

New Year's eve is approaching, one of the biggest, dumbest holidays of them all.

I used to work with a guy from Belarus. And apparently in Russia it was the grand daddy of all holidays. This guy used to get excited weeks in advance for New Years. He would never work on New Year's day. (I used to work for an accounting place, we always had to be there for customers closing their books for the year) He routinely wouldn't even get home until morning of the next day.

I remember being in high school and NYD was just a reason to have a party. When I was in high school I didn't need a reason to party other than being a teenager.

As an adult, I've never been to one of those rockin' affairs that others have gone to. Replete with drunken spouses and stories that would last into the next year. Maybe if I had, I'd feel different about the holiday.

Patti and I have always stayed home. When the kids were small we'd buy ridiculous snacks and stay up late with them. I think the last couple we were long in bed before midnight even happened and asleep for at least one of them.

So for Patti and I it's a day off. We don't have any real plans for the New Year's eve thing. We'll probably be babysitting! WHOOOOOHOOO!!! Party, Party, Party!!!!

So, anyone doing anything good? Any big plans? I'd love to see how the other half lives!

1 comment:

Blonde Goddess said...

Well...Mr.Man and I have been invited to several parties but we may decline all of them on account of assholes who pick fights when they're drunk..or sober.
If I wanted to spend my New Year's eve like that, I'd be spending it with my mother.

I actually would enjoy getting together with a few friends and their kids and play games, have some wine and snacks and that's it. I guess I'm getting a little less wild as I get older...hehehe