Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Moral Dilema (at least)

Didn't get to post yesterday, just way too much going on.

I've been asked (and refused) to do something that I just won't do for my employer. Without going into a lot of detail, I just didn't feel right about it and now I'm worried about what the repercussions might be.

But I couldn't live with myself if I did what was asked. My wife has been totally supportive, which is really cool because I don't think I could fight this on two fronts. I mean, I really couldn't blame her if she said 'What are you kidding? We need that job, just do it'. That makes some sense in a totally practical way of thinking.

We have a daughter in Pharmacy school, my son is getting married in June, let alone Christmas.

Needless to say I'm having a hard time with all this, but I can't pretend this is all ok. It says volumes about the character of my employers - and not in a good way.

Suck factor 10.


Rebecca said...

Situations like this suck...but you have to go with your gut. If it doesn't sit well with you morally...then not doing it is the right thing to do. Grimey employers if they can't understand that or you are punished for it. I hope it works out for you

Blonde Goddess said...

Most employers think of their employees are machines.
I know one family right now that's being torn apart because the father is out of town every day of the month except for three or four days.