Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Internet friends

When I used to hear about people leaving their spouses and running off with someone they found on the internet, I used to think - 'these people are just nuts'

I don't think they're nuts anymore. I've found that I feel I know several people over the internet that I've never met. Not that I'm going to run off with anyone or anything, I just think I understand this now in a way I couldn't before.

I mean, I've been reading Jeff Kay's stuff at the WVSR for years. I've never met Jeff, we've exchanged a few emails, but mostly I know Jeff through his blog postings. And I've never met him, and probably never will, but I was pulling for him to get his new job, love his hilarious stories about his in-laws.

I've ordered the shirt and hat - gotta support your friends ya know. My wife doesn't get it, she just thinks he must be some internet kook, so I had some 'splaining to do for the orders.

And I read Tammie the Blonde Goddess every day. And if you haven't checked out yesterday's post you'll find you'll know an awful lot about her from one read!

So, cheers to my internet friends - I getcha now!


Blonde Goddess said...

Awww...I'm not that bad. I'm just honest. Besides...I only posted it because BuzzardBilly started it with a post of her own and asked my opinion on it.
Hope it didn't make you too terribly uncomfortable...

Michael said...

Hey Tammie,
No, you're not that bad, just amazingly transparent. No explanation necessary. And, I wasn't uncomfortable, on the contrary, I like a woman who knows what she wants!

Rebecca said...

90% of my friends are on the internet. I'm not a very social person and people scare me...so I find comfort in finding friends on the internet. And there are some good people out there

Michael said...

Yeah, there are.

The thing I didn't expect, is to get a sense that I 'knew' someone. Which is wierd/probably naive/interesting.