Tuesday, December 18, 2007

That Christmas Magic

Interesting Christmas season for Patti and I this year.

We are way behind on our shopping, making this week a real adventure. We've committed to going out every day after work and getting it all done.

And it's been pretty nice! I didn't expect it, I've been dreading it in fact. Sure, the bad drivers are out there and some of the people have been pretty rude.

Last night we went to TJ Max. I hate this store. This is a store for women. Let me explain.
TJ Max is just a complete mess. Sure, they have racks of stuff with sizes, but everything is just misplaced, stuff is all mixed up. They have racks and tables with stuff just piled high. A woman will actually paw through it all to find what they want. A guy, not so much. I just pack it in after a while. Shopping for men isn't about the hunt, it's about the kill. Find what you want, buy it, and get out. This is just not possible in a place like that.

I was looking at t-shirts for my son in law and had my cart in front of the rack I was browsing. When an older black woman, bashed into my cart. So, I moved it aside so she could get by. (It was a narrow aisle). She then asked me to move so she could get through, so I backed the cart out of the way and stood aside. So she parked in front of the rack of stuff I was looking at and stood there shopping. I couldn't believe it! I wasn't so much pissed as surprised. People can really be something.

But we quit when we got tired and we didn't get home too late. And it was really a pretty nice night out with Patti. We had a leisurely dinner, talked about what we still needed and really hung out with the shopping as a back drop.

We're hitting the big mall here in town tonight, probably be a more stressful experience, but if the shopping goes like it did last night I won't mind at all.

Must be the Christmas magic working, cuz it sure doesn't feel like me!


Blonde Goddess said...

I have to go shop this afternoon and I'm praying I will get out of the stores without throwing a major head fit, stomping, screaming and pulling my hair out....

Maybe I'll just put money in a card....

Michael said...

yeah, that's what the magic is all about. I'm usually the head fit, stomping, screaming, pulling er no hair!, but you get the idea!

Good luck out there!
I think the money in the card thing is kinda weak, I always like picking stuff out for people!